Well I’ve made it to Michigan. I’m not quite sure what I was thinking deciding to come to here when I live in Maine. Somehow it all worked out and it just felt right to come on this retreat, hopefully I won’t regret it. My parents thought that it would be good for me to see a new place and meet new people after everything that’s happened the past few years.
Everyone seems to be really nice so far. The first thing we did was play a video scavenger hunt and we had teams of four. We had to take different videos with people we meet on the streets of Traverse City. For one of them we had to play leapfrog, and a little boy Tommy did it with us. He laughed the whole time. It made me think of my brother Danny. My roommate Ben was on my team and two of the girls, Olivia and Lana.
This might sound a little crazy, but when I meet Olivia there was just a click. It’s hard to explain in words, I just knew she was special. I knew she was someone I wanted to stick around in my life. I knew that I had to keep in touch with her after the summer. I just knew in that moment, I was meeting her for a reason and my life would never be the same. Anyway, I feel like I’m starting to connect with people here and maybe my parents are right; maybe this will be good for me.